Frequently asked questions
Yes! All you need is a Wi/Fi connection for the full website. Depending on your location, data rates/usage may apply based on Internet provider restrictions or plans. The PoolFit App is available in both the App Store and Play Store and accessible to most countries.
Videos cannot be downloaded on the full website. This website is strictly a streaming site. You can view full videos as long as you have an active subscription. Videos CAN be downloaded in the PoolFit App. You can download a video in the app and take your device poolside without the need of Wi-Fi.
Yes! Select videos include an audio download. The three most recent/ Featured Audio Downloads are always available to subscribers to download for FREE. All other archived audio downloads are available to subscribers at a 50% discount or $7.50 per download. Subscribers should get in the habit of downloading the Featured Audio Downloads when they are available for free. The Audio Workouts are found on the Workouts page.
A monthly plan is $15.95. An annual plan is $159.50 (You get 2 months FREE by selecting an annual plan!) There is no commitment. You can cancel your account at any time. Get Started now!
Regardless of the platform you subscribe on or the plan you choose, all NEW subscribers automatically receive a 7-Day Free Trial Period. Billing will begin 7 days after you sign-up, unless you cancel. Start your trial period now.
- Subscribers have access to ALL full-length videos streaming on the site.
- Two or three new pool workouts, all led by top aquatic fitness experts are posted each month.
- A Poolfit subscription also includes access to both the IOS and Android App, available in the App Store and Play Store.
- Select videos also include a separate audio download. The three most recent audio downloads are always available to subscribers for FREE.
- 50% off all other archived audio downloads (over 100!), or $7.50 each. Just please note that you would not need audio downloads if you use the app.
- Every video also includes a Featured Workout Blog with additional information on the workout, including product recommendations, exercise tips and more.
General inquiries: [email protected] For technical issues, please email: [email protected]
Please visit our App Tutorial. It includes 12 short videos that explain the various features of the Poolfit App.
Yes! There are 6 FREE Sample Workouts you can try. These include a variety of formats and durations. You can stream the Free Sample Workouts from the website or download the Poolfit App in the App Store or Play Store and test out the downloading feature with the free workouts.