If you have access to a pool, you can try Poolfit Workouts risk-free with no commitment. Try up to 9 FREE workouts via streaming or download on the app. Or subscribe to a monthly or annual plan and receive a 7-day trial period and access to over 250+ water workouts, with easy opt-out cancel feature in your account settings


Enjoy 9 free workouts that represent Poolfit’s variety. Stream them or get the Poolfit App and test out the download feature.

$15.95/ MONTH

Subscribe to the monthly plan and enjoy a 7-day trial period with access to all of the 250+ Poolfit Workouts. No commitment. Cancel Anytime

$159.50/ YEAR

Subscribe to the annual plan and enjoy a 7-day trial period with access to all of the 250+ Poolfit Workouts. Better deal. Enjoy 12 months for the price of 10.