In-Home Yoga Basics

Tuesday, March 12 2019

Get limbered and enjoy a soothing and achievable yoga stretch routine designed for all fitness levels, including those who have never taken yoga.  This is the FIRST land-based PoolFit video!  The regular March featured video and audio download (Dynamic Water Yoga) will post later this month.    


Aqua Training Specialist, Lori Templeman, shares a relaxing yoga stretch routine that can be used when you need to stay dry, or destress, or loosen up tight muscles.  As mentioned in the PoolFit About page and the home page intro video, it is our goal to evolve over time by introducing a separate category of low-impact land-based exercise programs, above and beyond the monthly pool workout video and audio download.  Doing so will provide subscribers with a variety of healthy aging exercise options.   The land-based exercise videos will not require a companion audio download as the pool workouts do.  


Lori was here in Florida filming in October and I asked her to film her signature yoga stretch routine because I thought it would be the perfect inaugural non-pool video to launch on PoolFit.   We live in some crazy times and Lori has the perfect solution for combatting stress and anxiety.    




PoolFit:  How can this routine be used by Subscribers?
Lori:  Subscribers that exercise in outdoor pools often can’t get in when the weather is bad.  In a situation where you cannot get in the pool you should always have a go-to plan so that you can still get in some kind of exercise activity.  Yoga Rejuvenate provides an opportunity to try something different but gentle.  Stretching on dry land gives us the benefit of gravity and a chance to learn some simple postures participants can do anytime, anywhere.  A yoga stretch program can help with tight, tired, sore muscles while calming the mind. This gentle practice provides a slow-paced opportunity to check in and rejuvenate.


PoolFit:  How does your yoga stretch routine differ from more traditional yoga practices? 
Lori:  My yoga philosophy is to allow participants to come in and get what they need for the day.  I see a lot of yoga classes out there with higher level postures and progressions.  This is excellent for skill development, but many first-timers are intimidated.  I welcome participants who are new to yoga or have limited mobility.  We keep the class gentle and slow-flowing, and everyone is encouraged to explore what is feeling best in the moment.  We always move within our comfortable range of motion and take a rest if needed.


PoolFit:  You put a lot of emphasis in relaxing, not just at the end but throughout the routine.  Why?
Lori:  The first few minutes are a vital component of the practice.  Developing the skill of checking in physically and mentally gives us a chance to transition.  We focus on our to-do list, appointments, challenges, etc. and mindfully place it all outside the door.  This allows us to be here now.  All those items we place outside will be better served as a result.


PoolFit:  What kind of feedback do you get from your participants?
Lori:   I have been teaching a version of this class locally for 13 years and it has developed a following at every facility.  Participants have told me they appreciate having a class they can do successfully.   A Yoga class like this has been offered at the International Aquatic Fitness Conference (IAFC) for the past five years and it has been well received by delegates who are tired and sore from a very busy week.  Self-care and body awareness are a big component of the practice.


PoolFit extends thanks to Lori for sharing her passion for both aqua and yoga.  As mentioned, the PoolFit site will be evolving in the coming months with additional videos (above & beyond the featured video & audio) that provide subscribers with non-aquatic options to exercise, such as mind & body, toning, chair exercise, stretching and more.  If you have any suggestions or comments regarding this please post them below. 

Author: Mark Grevelding is the founder of Fitmotivation. He is also a training specialist and consultant with the Aquatic Exercise Association’s (AEA). Mark has been active in the fitness industry for 22 years as a group fitness instructor, personal trainer, international presenter and a continuing education provider for AEA, AFAA & ACE.