Ground Forces

NON-IMPACT SHALLOW WATER EXERCISE. This 55-minute shallow water workout is completely grounded and thus impact free. Keeping one foot grounded on the pool floor at all times, Mark shows how you can eliminate impact while maintaining intensity in cardio, HIIT, kickboxing, strength, core and more. Read the video blog to better understand impact implications in shallow water. Summer is sadly going by fast. Promise you won’t leave us without without letting us know if you enjoyed Poolfit. You can scroll down and Leave a Review.

Workout Details


55 minutes




Non-impact Exercise




Shallow water

Training Focus

Cardio & muscular endurance



Ground Forces video blog

Zero Impact Shallow Water Workout
Many people choose water fitness because they want to limit joint impact. However, it is important to know that there is still impact in shallow water exercise. Ground Forces is a 55-minute shallow water workout that is completely grounded and thus impact free. Keeping one foot grounded on the pool floor, this water exercise video shows how you can eliminate impact while maintaining intensity in cardio, HIIT, kickboxing, strength, core and more.