Smart Circuits

WATER EXERCISES WITH INEXPENSIVE EQUIPMENT. Katy shares a series of water exercises that can be performed using inexpensive pool equipment and household items. This 20-minute video provides exercises that target upper body, legs and core using a half noodle, a small ball, frisbees, elastic loops and laundry mesh bags. Try the exercises by themselves or in a fun circuit. 

Workout Details


22 minutes




Equipment Circuit


Intermediate/ Advanced


Shallow water

Training Focus

Muscle conditioning


Noodle, Ball, plastic discs, loop, bags

Smart Circuits video blog

Pool Exercises with Inexpensive Equipment
Incorporating equipment into a pool workout can add fun, creativity and results. AquaFIIT Smart Circuits with Katy Coffey showcases water exercises that can be performed using inexpensive equipment and household items that can be purchased for less than $3.00 each. Experience exercises that target upper body, legs and core using a half noodle, a small ball, plastic discs, an elastic loop and laundry mesh bags. Try the exercises by themselves or in a fun circuit.