Tumultuous Tabatas with Cindy Vance Brossman is a 44-minute shallow water workout that features the high intensity interval training (HIIT) style of workout known as Tabata. Tabata pool workouts feature eight 4-minute rounds of exercises. Each round includes 8 exercises performed for 20 seconds of work and 10 seconds of rest.
Typically, the 8 exercises in a Tabata round are repeated, such as four exercises performed twice, or two exercises performed four times. Cindy has a unique way of teaching Aqua Tabata classes. In her “no repeat” rounds, all 8 exercises are different. Therefore, her Tabata classes feature 64 different exercises.
Pool Workout-at-a-Glance
Tumultuous Tabatas features a warmup, cool down and 8 different themed rounds with Cindy’s unique “no repeat” approach. Below is the theme for each round.
Round 1-Skis
Round 2-Hops and Tucks
Round 3-Agility
Round 4-Buoys
Round 5-Martial Arts
Round 6-Jacks
Round 7-Kicks
Round 8-Wall
Below, watch Cindy talk more about her “no repeat” approach, and then read more about her passion for designing aqua Tabata classes.
Tabata Passion
by Cindy Vance Brossman
Tabata has become a very popular way to exercise. Why is that? First, it is a great way to burn a lot of calories in a short amount of time. Second, it has been proven that this type of exercise burns fat and calories even afterwards. Third, it is a fun way to challenge yourself to work as hard as you can for 20 seconds, with a 10 second active recovery. The typical Tabata is 8 rounds of 8 exercises each, often with repetitions of the move. However, as in my Turbulent Tabatas video, Tumultuous Tabatas showcases my unique “no repeat” approach of 64 different moves. However, this time, each round has a theme.
My inspiration for Tabata came after COVID. Once our clubs in Wisconsin opened back up, we were very limited in class sizes for our traditional water classes. Therefore, I decided to offer specialty classes based on sign-up, including Tabata and other aquatic specialties. These specialty classes were an extra charge for our members, but through the sign-up process they were always assured a spot. Since then, Tabata has taken off as a favorite specialty class for our water loving members.
My class members not only love to push hard for during the 20 seconds in Tabata rounds, but they also enjoy trying new moves in the water. With the no-repeat approach, they always look forward to “what does she have next for us”?
For me, it is my job to keep the Tabata specialty classes fresh which is not always easy. Our specialty classes run for 7 weeks, and so every 7 weeks I swap out all 64 moves. I have created a document of moves over the years that I use as a library to keep fresh ideas flowing. That document is now up to 1200 moves, making it easier for me to swap out the exercises. However, I am always on the hunt for new ideas and concepts that will keep all my classes exciting and challenging. I hope you enjoy my unique “no repeat” approach to Tabata.
Poolfit extends a big thank you to Cindy for sharing her Tabata passion with subscribers. Check out Cindy’s other Poolfit videos. Her 15-Minute Aqua Combat video will be posting in early Fall.