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SELF-DIRECTED POOL EXERCISES. Jenni Lynn shares an aquatic personal training routine she developed for her clients to do on their own. This shallow water fitness routine is intended to be self-directed, meaning performed at your own pace and with your own music if you desire. Printable notes are included in the blog. Poolfit is test-piloting a new category of videos for personal training and rehab/recovery. Read the associated blog for details.
Note: Poolfit’s winter filming hiatus is over. Filming production has resumed!
The next 3 videos to post:
March 8: 20 40 60 HIIT with Sharlie. Deep & shallow high intensity exercise
March 15: Pilates Power with Anne. Shallow water Pilates
March 22: Splash Intervals with Mark. Deep & shallow high intensity intervals
Workout Details
20 minutes
Personal Training
Training Focus
Total Body Conditioning
Webbed Gloves (optional)

Personal Training in the Pool
Poolfit is exploring a new category of videos for personal training and rehab/recovery. These videos will be different. Instead of a follow-along approach, the plan is that these videos will provide the exercises and suggested sets and repetitions. Subscribers can do these fitness routines at their own pace and with their own music. Printable notes will be included in the blog. Jenni Lynn Patterson-LaCour inaugurates this category with a workout she shared with clients during the COVID lockdowns in 2020.