
Buoyant Equipment

Transform your pool into a liquid gym
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Triangular Aquatic Exercise Dumbbells

Triangular Aquatic Exercise Dumbbells

By: Trademark Innovations

These triangular bells are perfect for those who want to add buoyant resistance to their workouts but require a lighter resistance.

Solid Core Noodle - More Dense

Solid Core Noodle - More Dense

By: Workoutz

Solid core noodles do not have a hole in the middle which makes them more sturdy and better for fitness activities.  This is an example of a MORE DENSE NOODLE - suitable for advanced fitness levels, and larger hands.

Solid Core Noodles - Less Dense

Solid Core Noodles - Less Dense

By: Oodles of Noodles

Solid core noodles do not have a hole in the middle which makes them more sturdy and better for fitness activities. This is an example of a LESS DENSE NOODLE - better for beginner/intermediate fitness levels, or small hands.

Delta Bells - Foam Hand Bars

Delta Bells - Foam Hand Bars

By: AquaJogger

Explore buoyant resistance with these unique triangular shaped bells.

Kiefer Water Exercise Discs

Kiefer Water Exercise Discs

By: Kiefer

Easy grip foam hand bells for aquatic exercise activities

Foam Hand Bars - Light (Red)

Foam Hand Bars - Light (Red)

By: Thera-Band

Traditional white foam dumbbells for aqua fitness training.

Foam Hand Bars - Medium (Green)

Foam Hand Bars - Medium (Green)

By: Thera-Band

Traditional white foam dumbbells for aqua fitness training.