Irene Pluim Mentz
Irene Pluim Mentz, PT, ATRIC, was born and raised in the Netherlands where she also became a licensed physical therapist before she immigrated to the United States. She is the co-owner of One Step Beyond, Inc. Physical Therapy and continues to practice as a physical therapist with a very diverse population. Irene’s passion for anything “water” led to becoming certified with AEA and with Aquatic Therapy and Rehab Institute. She integrates her knowledge of hydro-dynamics with physical therapy into all her sessions. Irene is the inventor and developer of the Aqua-Ω adjustable drag resistance water exercise equipment. In th epast several years, Irene has been presenting at SCW's Mania's as well as for FitCon's DCAC and Music City Fitness Conferences. She also became S'WET certified, because their mission of changing the perception of aquatic fitness alings with Irene's passion of getting everybody in the pool!