Water Exercise Wellness Potion

Thursday, March 13 2025


Abra Cada bra! Discover a wellness potion in the pool that will improve joint mobility, strength and muscular flexibility. Fluid Magic is a 50-minute shallow water workout that will cast a spell of agelessness upon your body. Experience six exercise sequences that flow with dynamic flexibility, muscle conditioning, Pilates-inspired movement, yoga stretching and arthritis exercises.

Optimal physical fitness requires a spectrum of exercise activities. Participating in only cardio and high intensity workouts would leave you lacking in the essential components of physical fitness. One of the most overlooked components is flexibility in the muscles and joints. Without flexible muscles and joints, an aging body will endure an endless cycle of injury that diminishes quality of life. Since many of my colleagues contribute amazing high intensity pool workouts, I accept the role as the elder tribesman who is responsible for sneaking in elixirs of movement medicine.

Fluid Magic Workout-at-a-Glance
This 50-minute water exercise video does not include a warm-up or cool down because the entire workout consists of movement typically found in warm-ups and cool downs. The workout includes six sequences of movement. Each sequence begins with a traditional water exercise, which is then magically transformed first into dynamic flexibility, then power & strength, followed by Pilate-inspired and finally yoga stretching. The traditional water exercises and power moves are more active and designed to keep the body warm in a cooler pool. Arthritis exercises are added to the potion to keep the joints supple and healthy. Each sequence is 5 minutes, and each exercise in a sequence is performed for 30-seconds. After all the sequences have been completed, a final flow of all six is performed, but each exercise in only performed for 15 seconds each. Below, watch a short video that explains more of the inspiration behind the creation of Fluid Magic.



Exercising Organically & Intuitively
Participants following along with this water fitness video are encouraged to move freely. In other words, don’t feel as though you must move exactly like I am in the video. Organic movement refers to moving more freely in a dance or exercise routine. This requires listening to your body and adjusting movements as needed for greater benefit. Exercising intuitively is all about honoring your body and moving or participating in an activity that is what your body needs in that moment. The important thing is to avoid forcing an exercise activity upon yourself that your body is not up for. Fluid Magic is the perfect workout for a day when your body feels like it needs to flex and flow with some movement medicine. 

Related Videos
If you enjoyed flexing and flowing through Fluid Magic, below are some other Poolfit videos you may want to consider:
Flexibility in Motion
Dynamic Water Yoga
Aqua Rejuvenate
Aqua Flex & Flow

In closing, please remember that wellness is so much more than what you see in a mirror. Wellness is what you feel when you are walking every day, and what you feel when you go about your daily activities. It is about your energy level.  It is about how you sleep.  Participating in only high intensity fitness will not unlock the key to wellness for you. The path to optimal wellness through exercise requires your participation in a variety of fitness activities. Be good to your body.


Enjoy 50 minutes of movement magic in the pool with the 50-minute Poolfit water exercise video, Fluid Magic.

Author: Mark Grevelding is the founder of Fitmotivation. He is also a training specialist and consultant with the Aquatic Exercise Association’s (AEA). Mark has been active in the fitness industry for 22 years as a group fitness instructor, personal trainer, international presenter and a continuing education provider for AEA, AFAA & ACE.